Isa as the Prophet and Messenger

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Isa is known by the common titles of nabi (prophet) and rasul (messenger or apostle) and he was the recipient of the Injil (the Injil) to give to people (Surah 19:31; 4:169; 3:48; 4:46). As in the Qur’an, we find in the Christian scriptures that Isa was ‘sent’ by Allah who had ‘given him the Injil’ (Luke 10:21; 4:18). In Hebrews 3:1 Isa is called rasul (apostle).

In John’s narrative Isa is spoken of as the prophet that was to come in the world and as the Messiah, the Son of Allah (John 6:14; 11:27). We also find that he was called a prophet by those who first heard his teaching (Mark 6:15; 8:28) and although Isa accepted this title (Mark 6:4; Luke 13:33), he did not think of himself as just a prophet. At times he claimed that he was greater than the Prophet Jonah, Daud, Suliman and even Ibrahim (Luke 11:31’32; Matthew 22:45; John 8:54-55).